MicroShade Portfolio - Previous Version

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We are proud to have been a part of multiple extraordinary buildings. This page serves as a testament to the impact of MicroShade® across diverse projects, highlighting installations of our previous MicroShade® version. Explore our legacy as we continue to shape the solar shading landscape.

Kalvebod Brygge 45 - Previous Version

In the newly purchased property Kalvebod Brygge 45 the solar radiation presented problems which needed to be solved before the real estate company, Castellum, could rent out the office space.

When they discovered that the indoor climate would be better and operational costs lower on this attractive harbour-side location if they replaced the windows facing the sun, the decision was easy to make.

Rasmus Mørch, project manager and responsible for operations in Castellum:

“If you only look at construction costs, you don’t get a full view of the effect and consequences of your choice. A more thorough approach often indicates that a larger initial investment makes a better case.

In this case, the cooling system would cost 6 million DKK plus annual operating costs and the external shading would cost 3.8 million DKK with operating costs at 229.000 DKK annually (excl. depreciation).

With MicroShade®, our investment was 6,8 million DKK, but when looking at the total operating costs and depreciation, we are saving 346.000 DKK per year having chosen MicroShade over external shading”

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Nordea HQ Copenhagen - Previous Version

Extensive solar shading at Nordea's new HQ

A 620 m2 glass MicroShade® canopy secures a sound indoor climate and LEED certification. Construction process has been much faster by using MicroShade®.

MT Højgaard has been the turnkey contractor for Nordea’s new headquarters, which was designed by Henning Larsen Architects. The heart of the building is an open atrium covered by an extensive glass roof. The room itself is the bank’s trading floor in which dealers have to be able to operate efficiently throughout the day. As a result there are major requirements as to the indoor climate.

The architect has wanted as much natural daylight in the area as possible. This has been achieved using MicroShade® which acts as a barrier to unwanted heating but allows light to stream through.

The positive effect on the indoor climate is vital in order to achieve an
LEED certification (LEED, Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design). COWI consultants and Henning Larsen Architects chose solutions to secure sustainability with a low energy consumption, a beneficial indoor climate, healthy materials and other favourable features.

MicroShade® eliminates an entire construction process. Contractors are normally forced to set aside weeks of their project planning to install windows and solar shading, run cables, install motors and controls and phase in and adjust systems. MicroShade saves time in the construction process and maintenance going forward.

MicroShade’s benefits go even further. The entire process from design to installation is simpler and saves construction costs. MicroShade® opens up entirely new project perspectives.

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Copenhagen Towers - Previous Version

Solar shading installed on high-rise block without the need for extra measures.

Installing solar shading 85 metres up can actually be easy, with an excellent indoor climate and no maintenance as a result. Traditional solar shading is difficult and costly to install on the outside of high buildings.The weather is unpredictable and the construction work complicated. But it doesn’t have to be that way as experienced by architect Norman Foster and contractor Solstra when they chose MicroShade solar shading for Copenhagen Towers.

MicroShade® is far easier to install at a height of 85 metres than traditional external solarshading. MicroShade® is inlaid in the window, which is installed just like a standard window.It’s not dependent on the weather or other conditions which can delay construction.

The design and construction stage is made simpler since there is no need to prepare separate construction drawings for the solar shading and its controls. The cost of special equipment or electrical installations is also avoided and there are no ongoing operatingcosts.

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Kopenhagen Fur - Previous Version

Prominent new glass building without the greenhouse effect

Probably the nicest-looking solar shading, says the architect. It’s climate friendly too.

Kopenhagen Fur has added a smart, new building to its head office, made entirely from glass and aimed at impressing the company’s many visitors. That’s why the architect wanted something special.

The architect was able to unite the visual expression and the functional purpose of the building without limits. Glass integrated with MicroShade’s micro lamellas, which shade against the sun, allow the building to have an open, south-facing glass façade with effective solar shading. The micro lamellas allow the natural sunlight into the room, providing light but blocking the heat. Consequently, Kopenhagen Fur can use the room all year round without incurring high cooling costs.

MicroShade® is integrated into the glass, making the installation of external solar shading unnecessary, for example horizontal or vertical panels. On the contrary, there is a clear view and the architect’s idea with the forest theme is inlaid in the glass with a special leaf pattern in the lamellas.

Probably the nicest-looking solar shading, claims the architect. The glass with integrated solar shading was the obvious choice.

MicroShade® makes it possible to construct a south-facing glass building, while also complying with building regulation requirements for indoor climate and energy consumption. The contractor gave a lot of thought to the environmental aspect, resulting in climate-friendly calculations.


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Carl Zeiss Germany - Previous Version

Slim and smooth glass facade with remarkable environmental profile

Integrated solar screening ensures an attractive and smooth facade, without compromising on daylight and a good indoor climate.

The Carl Zeiss Forum, home to conference facilities and the new Zeiss Museum of Optics, is a state-of-the-art building that was aiming at uniting the Carl Zeiss Group’s wish for innovative cleantech with its philosophy on form.

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Confederation of Danish Industry

Daylight and exellent indoor climate in glass covered atrium

Engineers said it was totally impossible to create an atrium with such a large south-facing glass roof. Innovative solar shading solves the task.

Creating an exellent indoor climate under the double curvature glass roof suited to the head office of the Confederation of Danish Industry employers’ body was a major challenge.

Thanks to MicroShade’s solar shading built into the glazing, it is possible to keep the atrium temperature under the required 26 °C, even on a hot summer’s day with lots of people around. The fine micro lamellas provide effective protection from the heats of the sun but allow natural light in.

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What Do Our Customers Say


Akademiska Hus, Stockholm

“MicroShade® provides us with both light and outlook, which we didn't have with our previous solar shading solution, an external screen. Previously, we had to fully close it when the sun was out, both because of the heat but also because the sun shone directly into the offices. In the summer, the sun's direct, penetrating rays are filtered out by MicroShade, allowing just light in. So we can see out of the window, rather than looking at a screen.

MicroShade® has opened the room up, much to our delight,” says Anders Blomquist, Infrastructure Manager, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The building, leased by KTH, is owned by Akademiska Hus.

Malling School, Aarhus

In the words of Architect Gorm Albertsen, responsible for schools and institutions in Aarhus Municipality: “Our own measurements confirm that the temperature from the sun has been significantly reduced using MicroShade®, in some cases from 30 down to 25.5 degrees. It used to be boiling hot in the sun and it could be difficult to read what was written on the board.

The problem's been solved and everyone's a lot more comfortable.”

Read more customer statements here

Multiple references

We have gathered a range of cases with pictures and short statements. With this you can get an easy overview of different kinds of projects where MicroShade® is used.

Get more information about our projects. Contact us by mail at infoSPAMIKKE@microshade.com or by phone +45 72 14 48 48.

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